BNVF om presidenten i WVF uttalelser om russofobi

Publisert av Siri Jørgensen (permisjon) den 15.02.22.

 Etter at presidenten i World Veterans Federation (WVF), Dan Viggo Bergtun, skrev en kronikk på, der han gir støtte til Russland i den pågående og spente situasjonen i Ukraina mellom Russland og den vestlige verden, ble saken fulgt opp av Forsvarets forum. I artikkelen i Forsvarets forum uttalte presidenten i NVIO at forbundsstyret skulle diskutere saken i slutten av januar.


Saken har også vært diskutert i Board of Nordic Veteran Federations (BNVF) og de fire søsterorganisasjonene i Norden har kommet med en felles uttalelse hvor de uttrykker sin misnøye med ledelsen i WVF. Deler av uttalelsen er gjengitt nedenfor, og er underskrevet av lederne i BNVF og sendt til forsvarsledelsen i de respektive nasjonene.


Alle land ser positivt på at man har en global veteranorganisasjon, og ønsker at et slikt nettverk skal fungere innenfor demokratiske og upartiske rammer. Basert på hva som skjer i WVF etter mottak av den nordiske uttalelsen og ved valget under WVFs neste generalforsamling, vil ledelsen i NVIO avgjøre om medlemskap i WVF blir en landsmøtesak i 2023.


The President of the World Veteran Federation, mr. Dan Viggo Bergtun


Unfortunately, we see ourselves compelled to inform you concerning our concerns and necessary reaction based on your chronicle in It follows from the article that you clearly seem to be in support of Russia in the ongoing tense situation regarding Ukraine, between Russia and the Western world. You signed the chronicle in your capacity as president of WVF. In addition, throughout the text reference is made to WVF and "...we in WVF".

In an interview in the Norwegian magazine Forsvarets forum you claim that the chronicle was written to create discussion.

All four members of the Nordic Board of Veteran Federations are members of WVF. However, we were not approached by WVF to share our views on the situation. In due case we would certainly have abstained from any official comments on the situation mentioned.

Furthermore, your article has created concern and doubt regarding e.g. WVF raison d'etre and way ahead.

The statements raised in the chronicle, in the name of WVF, are seen as inappropriate and undermining veteran work in the countries affected by the tense situation. For veterans having served globally in service of peace, democracy, and human rights we regard your behavior as president WVF way beyond acceptable.

Hence, to ward off any misunderstanding from your side and to avoid any public misunderstanding of our positions in the matter the Board of Nordic Veteran Federations find that you have overstepped your authority by offering your view defending the state of Russia behavior in the matter. The Board of Nordic Veteran Federations and its members absolutely favor a global organization representing veterans and their interests.

However, we find that your acting as described is undermining the existing organization and without your recall of the given statements, our support to WVF might without doubt be brought up for discussion at our individual association's and federation's general assemblies."