NVIOs generalsekretær Bjørn Robert Dahl ble i november invitert til å holde en TEDx-talk om veteraner og gaming i Trondheim. Nå ligger den ute og du kan høre den gratis på YouTube. Sjekk linken her.
"Could you imagine video games being used as medicine? Or as a means to bring together war veterans who are having trouble adjusting to life in the civilian world? Do you think people would travel from all over the world to attend the funeral of a gaming friend they had never met in real life?
Bjørn Robert Dahl is the Secretary General of the Norwegian Veteran Association for International Operations (NVIO). He had to transform his own ideas about gamers and games in order to see them as a way to bring people together, help them heal and provide real change in veteran spaces. Performed at TEDxTrondheim November 2022."